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2010 Key Management, Investigation and Enforcement Plan for Resource Recycling Responsible Enterprises and Vendors in Tao-yuan County

To fulfill the fairness and consistency in law enforcement in terms of the registration, declaration and payment made by the upstream responsible enterprises in the resource recycling system and the free flow of the recycling channels provided by the downstream vendors, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tao-yuan County Government launched "2010 Key Management, Investigation and Enforcement Plan for Resource Recycling Responsible Enterprises and Vendors in Tao-yuan County. The content of this plan is aimed to check, review and provide counseling to the regulated responsible enterprises and vendors. Moreover, efforts will be put into related resource recysling consultation and promotion tasks. The results of the implementation of the plan are described in the following: (1) In terms of the review and conseling work, surveyed statistics show that there is a total of 2788 regulated enterprises in the County. According to the figures provided by 13 township offices of the County, 1654 regulated enterprises received investigation and review. Under this project, a total of 1021 enterprises received on-site review and consultation. (2) As for the achievements in the review and conseling for the responsible enterprises, assistance has been provided to lodge a total of 98 applications annual to the Bureau of Environmental Protection. A total of 126 translocation applications were also assistend as part of this task. An active investigation on the responsible products were conducted, 92 of which were found to be illegally sold in the shopping malls in the County. Another part of this task includes the review of 1061 cases lodged to the 13 township offices in the jurisdiction. Among them, 899 cases met the standards with scores given and 162 cases failed to meet the standards and were rejected. (3) With regards to the consultation and promotion tasks, seminars were organized. On May 6, 2010, an on-job training seminar was held for the inspectors in the township offices on the examination and consultation for the responsible enterprises and vendors. On June 28, the first seminar on the promotion of the legal orders on regulated recyclable wastes was held. On September 10, the second seminar on the promotion of the legal orders on regulated recyclable wastes was held to address the importance of the issue. (4) Maintenance and update of environmental education and promotion website related to resource recycling was attended to. It is scheduled that the website content is to be updated with the latest information with regards to the related topics every Friday. (5) In respond to the promotion of the latest environmental protection policy, a series of three campaign tools under the theme were designed and published. For the first, a promotion poster was designed with the topic of Getting to Know Biomass Plastic Containers, which is to respond to the latest announcement of the newly addition of law orders by the Bureau of Environmental Protection. The second was the design and printing of stickers with a recycling logo, which is estimated to be announced in the near future and is meant to be posted by chain beverage stores. The third literature was a desk calendar to advocate the importance of environmental protection for the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tao-yuan County Government. Furthermore, a 40-second promotional animation with the theme of source reduction was created so as to encourage the public to bring your own tableware. (6) As for the reduction of garbage volume and resource recycling, a newly proposed innovative way is the push forward the reuse of the disposable chopsticks. For this, the Yong-an Port was established as a demonstration point, where the used disposable chopsticks were recycled and sorted, followed by being transported to the Yuen Foong Yu Paper Co., Ltd to serve as the burning material for their boilers. (7) Other management and control work include a monthly status report and a quarterly work review meeting.
upstream responsible enterprises,Vendors,resource recycling